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Health Disparities, Equities, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

This topic is led by Dr. Michael McGillion of the McMaster Unvisersity, Hamilton, ON, Canada.


The CHF Alliance espouses the Tri-Agency's commitment to more equitable, diverse and inclusive Canadian-led research. The composition of the team is guided by the CIHR Gender-Based Analyses Plus (GBA)+ framework (1) as well as key principles outlined in the Canada Research Coordinating Committee Progress Report (2), including interdisciplinarity and inclusivity. We recognize historical factors and systemic barriers within Canadian society that are replicated and magnified in the Canadian research ecosystem. These impact the scientific careers of women and other underrepresented groups, including (but not limited to): stereotypes that define roles and expectations; lack of role models/mentors; rigid promotion structures; challenges associated with balancing paid work and family life; and biases related to sexual orientation, ethnicity, and ability (3, 4). Our members have completed the Tri-Agency self-identification form (5). Our group is made up of 42% women, 11% Indigenous people, and 27% who indentify as visible minorities from 30 academic centers in Canada and 5 internationally, and from 9 provinces and 1 territory. We will follow processes and structures that promote equity in network functioning and participation. Our approach involves efforts to recruit training staff and researchers, emphase a culture of inclusion, and regularly review and evaluate from an EDI perspective.  




1. Canadian Institutes of Health Research GBA+ Framework. Available:

2. Canada Research Coordinating Committee. Strengthening Canadian Research. Available:

3. The Expert Panel on Women in University Research. Strengthening Canada’s Research Capacity: the Gender Dimension. Available:

4. Peterson RJ. We need to address ableism in science. Mol Biol Cell. 2021 Apr 1;32(7):507-510. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E20-09-0616. PMID: 33793322; PMCID: PMC8101468.

5. Government of Canada. Tri-Agency Self-Identification Form. Available:



Team Lead

Dr. Michael McGillion
McMaster University

EDI team members

Dr. Sonia Anand
PHRI, McMaster University

Dr. Alexandra King
University of Saskatchewan

© 2022 Canadian Heart Function Alliance. All rights reserved.

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